The DSS Form
Now called the SF200 Funeral Payments from the Social Fund should be taken or sent to your DSS Office with any pension or benefit books in the deceased's name, or in joint names. This is also used to assess whether a surviving partner is eligible for benefits such as Widows Benefit. You can download the form on the Department of Works and Pensions website.
Funeral Director's Form
This is green, and should be given to your Funeral Director to allow the funeral to take place. NB: If the Coroner has investigated the death, and cremation is required, this will be replaced with a form, which the Coroner will send direct to the Funeral Director.
Certified copies of Death Certification
These are copies of the Register Entry, and are the Certificates required by Banks, Insurance Companies etc. to attend to the deceased's affairs. There is normally a small fee for these.
No - there is no requirement to hold a religious funeral service, and there are a number of alternatives. Perhaps a relative or friend could take the service if they feel able to do so. Other Members of the congregation could speak or read verses or poems. The British Humanist Association have a network of officiants who will provide a very personal non-religious ceremony. Ask your Funeral Director for more information or to organise a Humanist/Civil ceremony.
For more information on Humanist funerals - visit:
For more information on the Institute of Civil Funerals - visit: